Wednesday 12th August 2015


Minutes of the Meeting of the above Council held on Wednesday 12th August 2015 at Aston Chapel at 7.30 p.m.

Present: J. Batho (Chairman), J.G. Parkin (Vice Chairman), A.G. Lawrence (Clerk), Ms R. Spalding, R. Hibbert, C. Lloyd, and 1 member of the public.

1. Apologies: Mrs J. Fenton, E. Forshaw, Mrs J. Sweeney, J. Barker, Councillor R. Bailey

2. Declaration of Interest – if a member is present at a meeting of the authority, and they have a disclosable pecuniary in any matter to be considered or being considered at the meeting, they cannot take part in any discussion of the matter at the meeting or vote on it.  They should disclose the interest to the meeting and follow the Council’s Code of Conduct.

3. Minutes of Parish Council held 23rd June 2015 were confirmed as a true and correct record on the prop., Ms R. Spalding, sec., R. Hibbert

4. Matters arising from last minutes:-

Community Speed Watch: further to previous meetings, the latest update from Mike Hartland was reported to the meeting:-

“We had the meeting with PCSO Nick Jarvis and have identified 5 sites for CSW with another 2 possible ones. These to be confirmed by Nick after a visit to them by his Sergeant.

In total there are now 10 volunteers and this includes two from Newhall and as such will cover this Parish too.

Equipment required is a Bushnell Speedster 2 radar gun plus some high via vests.

Training will be done by Nick Jarvis once equipment is available.

@ £105.99


@ £2.69

High Viz Jackets £1.73 – 3.93 each dependent on number ordered

As such it was agreed on the prop., J. Batho, sec., R. Hibbert that the equipment be bought jointly by both Parish Councils and Clerk to make arrangements to proceed.

Further the meeting felt that both Parish Councils should be given a regular update on work carried out and results of this.

Local Plan:  The Chairman has met Carol Hill re this matter, she is happy to come to a Parish Council Meeting to outline the implications and what is required of such a scheme.  She has indicated that this would not be a Parish Council initiative but rather a Community project which may include members of the Parish Council.  After the Plan has been concluded it would be adopted by the Parish Council.

On the prop., J. Batho, sec., Ms R. Spalding it was agreed to invite Carol Hill to a Parish Council meeting to discuss further.

Further to the last meeting when it was reported that No44 Sheppenhall Grove is in a terrible state of repair, verging on dereliction, and the state of this is having an impact on all other residents from an environmental point of view, through to affecting the value/sale of houses on Sheppenhall Grove.  It was agreed that this matter be left until the next meeting.

Waste Bin – Wrenbury Road.  The Chairman reported that this had not been emptied – he has reported this and the matter is now in hand

5. Highway matters:

Reported that the white line marking in both Wrenbury Road and Sheppenhall Lane have now been done. However the 30MPH signs still need to be made visible – this is being followed up.

Sheppenhall Grove – reported problems with road, footpaths and overgrowing hedges. This has been submitted by the Clerk to Cheshire East Highways – no response to date

6. Correspondence

Cheshire East Council:


Parishioners: none


Clerks and Councils Direct

Crewe & Shrewsbury Passenger Assoc – Newsletter

Chesh Assoc of Local Councils – Newsletter

Cheshire Police and Crime Commissioner Newsletter

7. Accounts

I. Income received since last Meeting: None

Accounts paid since last meeting:  None

Accounts to pay at meeting: None

Annual Audit:  the Clerk/R.F.O. reported that the Annual Return and supporting documentation has been returned, awaiting response to this

8. Planning Applications:

Applications received since last meeting: none

Results of previous applications:


Applications/Planning matters  before this meeting:

a. Proposed Solar Park on land south of Royals Wood Farm.

The meeting was informed that the applicant/agent would like to attend a meeting to outline this proposed application – as per the previous application adjacent to this site.  On the prop., C. Lloyd, sec., J. Batho it was unanimously agreed that the Parish Council would consider at the time of an actual application but not before this is submitted.

9. Police Matters:- the Chairman reported:-

– brief outline of the minimal incidents within the parish

– next meeting will be October

– the Rural Watch and Cheshire Alert give update on any suspicious activity etc and looking to set this up as a text message service for those who wish to subscribe

10. Next scheduled Meeting of Parish Council – Monday 5th October

Meeting closed.

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