Monthly Archives: February 2016

Monday 8th February 2016


Minutes of the Meeting of the above Council held on Monday 8th February 2016 at Aston Chapel at 7.00 p.m.

Present:          J. Batho (Chairman), J.G. Parkin (Vice Chairman), A.G. Lawrence (Clerk), Barker, E. Forshaw, Ms R. Spalding, Councillor R. Bailey and 1 member of the public.

The Chairman welcomed all present, and asked the meeting to observe a minutes silence to the memory of Alan Langlois, past member of Newhall parish Council who has sadly and suddenly passed away.

Further and a special mention to our Ward Councillor, Rachel Bailey who will become the new leader of Cheshire East Council later this month, the congratulations of the meeting were duly recorded.

  1. Apologies: C. Lloyd, R. Hibbert, Mrs J. Fenton, Mrs J. Sweeney
  2. Declaration of Interest – if a member is present at a meeting of the authority, and they have a disclosable pecuniary in any matter to be considered or being considered at the meeting, they cannot take part in any discussion of the matter at the meeting or vote on it.  They should disclose the interest to the meeting and follow the Council’s Code of Conduct.
  3. Minutes of Parish Council held 14th December 2015 were confirmed as a true and correct record on the prop., E. Forshaw, sec., J.G. Parkin
  4. Matters arising from last minutes:-
    1. Community Speed Watch: further to previous meeting, the Clerk reported the latest report from Mike Hartland is:-We now have 9 volunteers at the moment. Unfortunately Lucy Denman cannot continue.

      Therefore we currently have 8 volunteers from the Broomhall area and 1 from the Aston area.  Really we could do with more volunteers from the Aston area as three of our CSW sites are in Aston.  We will try and do a recruitment drive again in the Spring but if you can spread the word I would be grateful.

      Ideally I would like 3 man teams if possible as it is still difficult to collect reg, make of car, colour and speed with just 2 people.

      A rota based on same principles as 2015 (2 man teams covering 2 weeks) has been circulated and starts Jan 18th and takes us up to June 5th.

      I have sent a note to Steve Berry telling him what we do and asking if there was any interest from the Newhall area but have had no reply to date.

      I have requested the SIDS data via Ms Rachel Bailey and have forwarded the correspondence to you.  So far have heard nothing.  As I said previously please raise it with Clr Bailey if she attends the PCC.

      Maybe the PCC can request the data as well ?

    2. Fly Tipping;- J. Batho reported further Fly Tipping on Back Coole Lane – full interior of a car. He has reported this matter to Cheshire East and  Barker confirmed it had been moved.
    3. Presentation to Clerk: the Clerk recorded his thanks to the Chairman who made the wonderful presentation to him at the end of the last meeting on behalf of himself, and also the Parish Council, as recognition of 30 years as Clerk to Newhall Parish Council. The picture will be a lasting reminder and fondly treasured.
    4. Planning Matter:-
Application No: 15/5531N
Proposal: Proposed erection of two detached dwellings


This application was subject to discussion at the last meeting, and further to this the following correspondence was sent to Antoinette Sandbach MP; forwarded to Clr R. Bailey and then to the Chairman of Newhall Parish Council.

Dear Antoinette and Rachel,

I would like to bring the above detailed planning application to your attention.

This concerns the development of my neighbours rear garden which in my view does not comply with the Development of Backland and Garden SDP. However, this judgement will be taken by the Cheshire East Planning Officers.

My concerns relate to the consultation and recording of comments and objections to this planning application. These are as follows :

Aston Cricket Club did not receive any formal notification of this planning application, yet they are included as neighbours that need to be consulted with in relation to this planning application. The Cricket Club found out by word of mouth and have now submitted their comments.

The Parish Council discussed this planning application at their meeting on the 14th December 2015 and the outcome was that they objected to this development. To date, no minutes of the meeting, or objection comments have been made public or available on the Cheshire East planning website. The closing date for comments is 12:00hrs 4th January 2016.

Another point to mention in relation to the Parish Council, (this isn’t an actual planning issue but I think I need to air my views) is that the Parish Council Clerk is related to the applicant. During the meeting when the planning application was discussed, the Clerk did not at any point cite a conflict of interest and remained throughout the meeting. However when the Committee moved on to discuss the issue of the of the Woodlands Development by Elan Homes (again bordering the boundary of the Cricket Club) this Clerk promptly left the meeting stating  “a conflict of interest”. Based on his familial connection with both developments one would assume he has a conflict of interest with both? Please note the Clerk is responsible for documenting and publishing the minutes, in this case he is also responsible for documenting and publishing the objection comments for this planning application, hence my concerns with the delay!

Highways, as at the time of writing this email, the Highways department have yet to make any formal comment on this planning application, yet I believe that there are significant safety issues relating to access and egress from this development onto the A530 (Whitchurch Road).

As elected members, I would like you to give these issues some attention so that the planning process is transparent and the Planning Officers have all available information in order to make an informed decision in relation to this planning application.

I dare say you have word ‘NIMBY’ in your minds as you read this email!  I am certainly not against considered development and if you look at my objection letter (attached), you will clearly see that I have included an alternative that I would class as ‘Considered Development’

Colin Tyler MAPM MIET TechIOSH

The Chairman, reported that the comments of the Parish Council were sent to Cheshire East well before the closing, date and subsequently published, likewise the Minutes were similarly on the Parish Council Website.

With regard to the Clerks interest in this application

The Woodlands/Aston Cricket Club – the Clerk declared an interest and left the meeting for the whole of this agenda item as he is a part owner of the land.


Rosedene – the Clerk remained in the meeting and made relevant notes.  Rosedene does not adjoin The Woodlands and although the applicant is Lawrence, the relationship is that the Clerk’s Grandad and David Lawrence’s, the applicants Grandad, were cousins so the distance of this – is 3rd cousin, and born in 1859, which seemed so distant not to be an issue.  If the Clerk should have declared an interest on this then he apologizes and will be careful in relation to future matters, but it also highlights to all Councilors that if something so distant from so long ago is deemed an interest then they must likewise be very careful in all matters and personal relationships/pecuniary interests.


The Chairman has telephoned Mr Tyler and explained the above.

  1. Area around The Gables, Wrenbury Road – Signage and speeding: reply received from

Ed Parry, Senior Road Safety Engineer | Traffic and Road Safety, Cheshire East Highways

“Many thanks for your emails relating to the signing and speed limits around Wrenbury, Smeaton, Pinsley Green and the speed limit also.

I have recently joined the Traffic and Road Safety team here in Cheshire East and will look into this for you.  It will probably be next week before I can get out on site now due to other commitments, but I can assure you that a thorough review will be made and the necessary actions taken”.

5. Highway matters:

  1. Barker reported that there is on occasions a problem with vehicles parking in Sheppenhall Lane very close to the junction.
  2. Flooding in Sheppenhall Lane – reported that two terrible floods – the Chairman did report these and subsequent signage has been put up to advise road users. As previously reported the matter is the responsibility of the landowner once the drain leaves the highway.
  3. Minor Works Programme/Highways Meeting for Ward members as held on 20th January and Councillor R. Bailey reported that this should help for future highway matters.
  4. Copy of letter from S. Berry, Newhall has been sent to the Parish Council and the Clerk advised the meeting as follows – “The two issues that I had raised were carriageway lighting which has now been resolved. The other issue was the state of the Whitchurch Road from the Aston Crossroads to Prime bake, the road surface is completely worn out and where it has been patched repaired reflects on how noisy the old surface is compared to the new surface. Also where it has been patched repaired around the man holes covers it is higher so in effect they have created a pot hole effect which causing banging sensation when the HGV’S pass over these man holes covers. The Whitchurch Road was last resurfaced over 20 year ago. Also I would like to bring to your attention is that over the last six months we have seen a considerable reduction in the price of fuel, so therefore we should see a reduction in the expenses that councillors claim. Given that you are to become the new chief of Cheshire east council I trust you will see that this happens”.
  5. Correspondence
    1. Cheshire East Council: none
    2. Councillors: none
    3. Parishioners: none
    4. Other:
      1. Clerks and Councils Direct
      2. Cheshire Community Action – Civic Pride
      3. ChALC – Newsletter
  1. Accounts
    1. Income received since last Meeting: None
    2. Accounts paid since last meeting: None
    3. Accounts to pay at meeting:
      1. Chq No 000406
        Bates Office Services – New Minute Book                                      £24.18  VAT£4.03

The above account(s) were unanimously approved for payment on the prop., of J. Barker sec., Ms R. Spalding

  1.  Annual Audit: None
  2. Other: None


  1. Planning Applications:
    1. Applications received since last meeting: none
    2. Results of previous applications:


15/4872N refused 15-Dec-2015 Audlem (2011)




              Agent Mr Mark Ellis, Markden LTD Green Lane House, 31, GREEN LANE, AUDLEM, CREWE, CHESHIRE, CW3 0ES




              Proposal Prior Notification for Proposed Change of Use of Agricultural Building to a Dwellinghouse



15/5409N approved with conditions 15-Jan-2016 Audlem (2011)


              Applicant Mr James Glover Saratoga, Wrenbury Road, Aston, Nantwich, CW5 8DQ


              Agent Mr Robert Evans 44 Maserfield, Oswestry, Shropshire, sy111sb


              Location Saratoga, WRENBURY ROAD, ASTON, CW5 8DQ


              Proposal New extension to the rear of property, internal layout of the new building rearranged and garage conversion.



Application No: 15/5262N
Proposal: Demolition of existing dwellings, and building of one new dwelling.
Location: The Flower Patch and East View , WHITCHURCH ROAD, ASTON, CW5 8DN


  1. Batho reported that this application, despite the support of the Parish Council, has been refused.


  • Applications/Planning matters before this meeting:


Application No: 16/0380N
Proposal: Change of Use of land as a ten pitch touring caravan site and erection of amenity block (showers and toilets)
Location: Overwater Marina, Coole Lane, Newhall, Cheshire, CW5 8AY
National Grid Ref: 365319.7 344744.3


On the prop., J. Batho, sec., J.G. Parkin the meeting agreed to support this application.

  1. Police Matters:- the Chairman reported:-

–           1 road accident at the Crossroads

–           There is the possibility of ‘Smart Water’ to mark property with for Identification.  This will be dependent on demand

  • Next meeting 26th April
  1. Next scheduled Meeting of Parish Council – Tuesday 5th April

Meeting closed.